
Please note that the Birth of Gabby and the road we have been on has been  a life changing experience and not one that we are looking for sympathy for. We want to share her AMAZING story of strength and faith to everyone. Together with GOD all things are truly possible!! We are not out of the "woods" and she has a long road, but has come so far and needs all the prayers she can get!
Our little Miracle!

March 22, 2012 a level 2 ultrasound at 21weeks showed my cervix was dilated by 2 cm. Immediately I was admitted to the hospital and placed in trendlenburg. The next morning a rescue cerclage was completed to attempt to close the cervix. After two attempts the cerclage was in place and I was told STRICT bed rest for the remaining pregnancy.
At 23 weeks I was readmitted to the hospital with my water leaking. Doctors came in by what felt like the handfuls and expressed their medical opinion on the viability of the baby sustaining life once born.  Shocked and devastated our world was flipped upside down again.  Once the doctors were able to determine that the baby was not going to be born right then and there I was admitted with the intention of staying in the hospital the remaining of the pregnancy.
At this point in the pregnancy we did not know what the baby's sex was. We wanted it to be a surprise. We never cared one way or another, just healthy was always our response.  That was until the doctor informed us girls have a better chance of surviving. It was that moment I wanted a GIRL!
    The next few days were full of tests and more tests. Monday morning my water completely broke while sleeping. The cerclage that was holding my cervix together had to be taken out. I was told once the cerclage was out only time would tell how much longer the baby would stay put.
    Tuesday April 10th during rounds I noticed blood.  Immediately the doctor examined me and stated "ok, I feel an appendage, definitely a foot or a hand". Within seconds I was rushed out of the room and taken in to the OR for an emergency C Section. I think at this point myself and my husband turned 8 shades of white when we heard the word "appendage".
    Everything happened so fast..there were so many things I wanted to do before encountering this point and all  I could think of was that sweet baby, just begging God to allow the baby to live.
Less than an hour after rounds in the morning on Tuesday April 10 at 9:20am Gabriella Faith Neal was born weighing 1 pound 8 oz 30 cm long. Immediately the staff told us that she was feisty. The doctor pushed her over once taken care of and intubated she told us she breathed on her own! She was so tiny. Her eyes were still fused shut and her ears fused to her head. Her skin bruised, transparent and sticky looking.  We were told it would be hour to hour for a few days.
    That night I managed to get in a wheelchair and go to the NICU to see our precious daughter. The tears just fell from my eyes as she layed there in what should have been my uterus what was now a climate/humidity controlled bed.  It was a lot to take in.
    As the days went by things seemed to get a little better. It was two days later after visiting with Gabby I began to get sick. Waking up from a nap feeling extremely cold and shaking. I had developed a fever of 107.0F. I was packed in ice twice and began to freak out, knowing that I could have a seizure at any moment.  It was an experience I will never forget. I really felt as if I was dieing. I had developed a septic infection, serratia. With extensive antibiotics the infection went away within 72 hours. Having the C Sec and an infection did not add up to a good response for my body to heal leading to have my inscion reopened on my hospital bed and a wound vac placed inside for 7 weeks.
    It was April 26 when we were told Gabby had contracted the same infection, serratia I had the previous weeks ago. The next few days were full of tears, worry, and lots of prayer. Every moment was touch and go. However one thing is for sure our little girl is fighter and GOD is a healer.  It took sometime but she was able to pull out of the infection and get on the road to recovery.
   We were told due to the infection we were told another round of the medication to close her PDA would be to hard on her body and surgery was the only option.  June 4 Gabby had her PDA ligation. Once again the NICU roller coaster caught us for a ride. They prepared us for the worse. Once again Gabby showed everyone she is in charge and GOD is in control. She made it through with flying colors and was extubated five days later.
    Gabby has since gone from biphasic cpap to regular cpap with no intravenous lines running through her body. She is slowly gaining weight and weening from the cpap. There are no words to explain how we feel when we look at her. She is amazing and GOD has BIG plans for her! She is just simply getting ready !