Saturday, June 9, 2012

3 pounds 5 oz!!

Gabriella Faith Neal 3pounds 5 oz!!!!!!!!

June 9, 2012 Gabby on biphasic cpap. Doing good. She just seems to get uncomfortable at times. Tim heard her cry for the first time yesterday! It really is beautiful!! I know some of you may think that the crying will get old..but let me tell you - it never will!!! :)
Thank you for all the prayers,love and support. She is a true MIRACLE!! God is GOOD!
We love you all! Keep the prayers coming!!!!
lots of love
-Tiff,Tim & Gabby


Lindsay Bennett said...

What a doll! Thinking about you guys all the time!!! XOXOXO

Linda Cameron said...

Oh how wonderful that she is gaining. God is Good, all the time. You are right about hearing her cry, I just love to hear them. Gabby sure is a miracle.

Anonymous said...

She is beautiful Tiff! I am so blessed in my lifetime I have seen 2 miracles! God is GREAT!!
