Monday, June 11, 2012

Bring on the weens!!

Today was a GREAT day for miss peanut! You know its a good thing when the doctor enters the room smiling!! The staff is very encouraged with her progress ! God's hand blessing her!!
I remember going through IVF and the percentages that are given, then the percentages that were given on possible miscarriage, the percentages on viability of life at 24 weeks, the percentage of making it through a life threatening infection..I guess one percentage they didn't take into count was the power of prayer!! God has big plans for this little girl-and she is getting ready for them!!
 I'm feeling so blessed with having her in my life. She has a long road ahead of her, but looking at how far she has come it does nothing but amaze me! We are witnessing a miracle right before our eyes!!
Keep her in your prayers as they begin the weening process off the Biphasic CPAP.
Thanks for all your love, support, and prayers!
Gabby June 11, 2012


Laura said...

Love the clothes!

Anonymous said...

Love the clothes and slippers:) Power of prayer works!

Missy Colucci

Linda Cameron said...

You got that right,Tiff. Nothing can surpass the power of prayer. So happy for all of you.

Anonymous said...

Very beautiful Little Lady you and tim have there, God is GREAT!!!, hope all continues to go well, God Bless you all.

Barb Beatman

JamieAlexis said...

Just a quick note-I came upon your name through Gradys Decision- I,like you, know what its like tohave a premiee except mine were twins. Born at 29 weeks@ 2#8oz &3#4oz. You are absolutely correct in that Prayer is a POWERFUL thing. We almost lost 1twin, but with prayer and Gods healing hand, I now have 2year old boys who you would never know were premiees. You are not alone in this endeavor-it is a LONG road, but with prayer and keeping God in all of this, Gabby will be home in no time.