Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Holding on ..

Proverbs 3:5–6

5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart 
 And do not lean on your own understanding.
6 In all your ways acknowledge Him, 
And He will make your paths straight

*Holding on to this today. *
Today hasn't been the best and hasn't been the worse by all means. This whole experience begins to play with your emotions, the "NICU Roller Coaster" continues..
Please keep lifting Gabby up through prayer, God has worked/working one amazing miracle on our little girl!
Thank you.
Tiff, Tim & Gabby


Anonymous said...

We are praying! Hold on tight, she is worth the ride.

The setbacks are always hard. Pleasae let me know if you need any thing.

Amy Price

Ryan & Katrina said...

It was a pleasure talking with you today. I hope and pray tomorrow is a better day. I love reading your posts!


Ryan & Katrina said...

It was a pleasure talking with you today. I hope and pray tomorrow is a better day. I love reading your posts!
