Wednesday, June 27, 2012


Please keep Gabby in your prayers, she unexpectedley had to have Laser Eye surgery. When setting up she decided to stop breathing and go apneic. She is out of surgery and did NOT have to be put on the vent (thank GOD). The eye surgery went well.
Due to the sudden change in Gabby's disposition  and brachycardia's (dropping heart rate) blood work is being drawn up. It will be a waiting game for the next several days to eliminate the possibility of infection.
Please keep her in your prayers.
Tiffany, Timothy&Gabby


StephanyE said...

Thinking of you and Gabby. I hope they discover no infection and that you are able to get back on the right path <3

Laura said...

Prayers that the surgery and blood work have positive results. Love you guys.

Nicol said...

You all are in my thoughts and prayers. Many hugs