Saturday, July 14, 2012


Gabby is growing like a weed at 5 pounds 5 oz!! She is now on a calorie restriction, aka "a diet"!! who would of ever thought that my 1 pound 8 oz baby girl would ever hear the words calorie restriction!! But she wears it proudly! And we wouldn't want it any other way.
Thursday I went home for the first time in over 3 months for 24 hrs. It was hard being away from her, but sure did miss my doggies!!!  I just keep telling myself one day,one day all 3 of us will be together in our own house! Until then Tim and I find a way to make it work. It is all the amazing prayers!!
Gabby has also completed her first series of shots.
Last week she was introduced to oral formula stimulation, and loved it!! Hoping to progress as quickly as Gabby will allow. After all this is her world and Tim and I are along for the ride! LOL
 Keep her in your prayers as she works on weening and adjusting her oxygen.
Thanks again for all your positive thoughts and prayers. Please please keep them coming!!
lots of love,
Gabriella 7/13/2012     3months old        5 pounds 5 oz


Anonymous said...

Way to go Gabby!!!
Mark, RN

Kalyn said...

This pic is too cute! Is that the new bow you got on Etsy?! Love it.